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Check in & out
What is included in the final price?
All costs and services will be displayed before the final booking confirmation. Please take into account that some of them you will have to pay on the spot (e.g., electricity, water consumption for example). In some cases, you may need to pay a toursit tax to the landlord in site.
How can I contact the landlord?
After booking, you will receive the address of the accommodation as well as the contact information of the provider or owner of the accommodation. A detailed description of check-in and check-out rules and contact information of the landlord will be sent to you shortly before the start date of your trip.
Frequently asked questions
Can I bring my dog or other pets?
Information about Covid19 / Coronavirus
What should I do if I do not get any booking confirmation email?
How and when do I find out if my booking request has been confirmed?
Is it possible to cancel my booking?
How can I find Holidu on Social Media?
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