Holiday rentals and lettings in Tahiti
FAQs: Holiday Rentals & Lettings in Tahiti
On average, how much do holiday rentals in Tahiti cost?
Tahiti is one of the most expensive destinations in French Polynesia! An overnight stay here costs on average A$267.19 per night.
When are holiday rentals cheaper in Tahiti?
Travellers who want to save as much as possible should visit Tahiti in November, February, and January the cheapest months of the year, with average prices of A$245.36, A$253.33, and A$254.19 per night, respectively, based on data collected in 2020.
When does the price of holiday rentals in Tahiti go up the most?
When it comes to looking for a holiday letting in Tahiti, the months when it is most expensive are, in descending order, July, September and October with average prices per night of A$289.34, A$278.42, and A$278.13, respectively.
Do I need to plan a trip to Tahiti well in advance?
It is better to book your stay in plenty of time when visiting Tahiti, as only 38% of our accommodations are usually available throughout the year.
Which months offer the highest availability?
March, November, and February are, in order of highest to lowest, the months offering the largest number of accommodations available, with respective average availability figures of 47.5%, 44.75% and 44.5%.
When are fewer lettings available?
The months with the lowest properties available in Tahiti are, in order, October, June and September, with respective average availability figures of 29.4%, 33.75%, and 33.75%, based on data collected in 2020.
How many holiday rentals are there in Tahiti?
We have 280 properties for you in Tahiti, provided by our 8 local and international partners.