Villas in Patong Beach

Villas in Patong Beach

Other holiday ideas and property types in Patong Beach that might be interesting

FAQs: Villas in Patong Beach

When travellers are planning their holiday to Patong Beach, which services are the most searched for?

Judging by the information from Holidu, when holiday-makers look for villas in Patong Beach, often they choose the following filters: pool (53%), air conditioning (21%), and Wi-Fi (16%). Last year, the majority of travellers used at least one of these options when finding the perfect villa.

Which types of amenities are available in the villas in Patong Beach?

Among the services offered by Holidu, it seems that the villas in Patong Beach contain everything that holiday-makers desire! Here, the villas generally include a variety of amenities, the most popular being: air conditioning (98%), Wi-Fi (93%), and pool (86%)...What are you waiting for?

How are the reviews for the villas in Patong Beach?

According to Holidu's data, only 18% of the villas in Patong Beach get a rating of 4.5 stars. It may therefore be a little more difficult for you to find a well-rated accomodation.

Are the villas in Patong Beach suitable for family holidays?

Judging by the Holidu database, 72% of villas in Patong Beach are suitable for families with children, so you won't have a problem finding the perfect villa for you and your family.

Are the villas in Patong Beach suitable for holiday-makers who wish to travel with their pets?

Of course! In Patong Beach, 14% of the villas offer the possibility for travellers to take their pets with them, 30% even have a garden!

Do the villas in Patong Beach generally offer an internet connection?

Yes! According to the data collected last year, 93% of villas in Patong Beach include Wi-Fi. This means that you will be able to access your emails and favourite social media sites during your stay!

What is the average price for villas in Patong Beach?

According to last year's data, there don't seem to be many villas in Patong Beach that are less than £100 per night. They can also be quite expensive, 38% are even at more than £500 a night.

Do the villas in Patong Beach often come equipped with a pool?

Of course! According to Holidu's database, 86% of villas in Patong Beach are equipped with a pool. It is the perfect destination for spending hot summer days by the pool! In addition,41% even have a barbecue!

Are the villas in Patong Beach suitable for trips with friends or rather for a weekend break as a small group?

Here, according to the data collected last year, 66% of villas are suitable for up to eight people, 61% of these villas have at least four bedrooms. But 98% of villas also welcome small groups of up to four people, 98% of the villas are made up of at least two separate bedrooms. This is therefore the ideal destination for taking your family on holiday (large or small)!